Главная » 2014 » Апрель » 28 » SOUTHERN KENNEL'S GR CH MAYDAY ROM STORY

GR CH MAYDAY ROMMayday and his siblings were all impressive and well built but Mayday alwaysstood out. He was BIG, CONFIRMED, and fearless, He walked out of the vanas a puppy after the long drive, barked, and marked my kennel as HIS territory right when he hit the ground. He had a huge head, long ears and barked at the other dogs from the start. His head was always up high. He really thought he was the MAN. He was a happy and energetic pup.



  1. We go into, SLK & Dennis L´s HI VOLTAGE (2X), at Catch Weight. HI VOLTAGE; weighed 67Lbs, and was a monster, Mayday weighed 59 pounds. He looked Tiny next to High Voltage. but catch weight is catch weight. Finaly, Mayday won in 35 minutes, He never showed tired, and after the 25 minute mark, he took control and finished.
  2. Soulman & Plumb Dave BIG RED (2X), I had lost to BIG RED before and wanted a piece of him with Mayday so after many calls, It was hooked. Mayday's pit weight at that time was 60 but we conceded to bring him at 58 to make it happen. It was Mayday's easiest fight. He used big red like a punching bag. He mopped the floor with him. People watching wanted to change his name to PAYDAY. Others were calling him KILLING MACHINE. Havan Tito was screaming. "It's Gr.Ch. Rodney. Gr.Ch. Rodney, Gr.Ch. Rodney reincarnated. Big Red stood the line at 37 minutes and it ended with Mayday SCREAMING in the corner.
  3. Pete Jr. who was in my opinion half CROCODILE. This dog could BITE. He was more to the ground and thicker than mayday, but 60 pounds. hehe. That dog was a true killing machine. It was Mayday's toughest fight at that time. It was the shortest but the most SAVAGE. Mayday somehow knew that he had to kill this Croc before he got killed. He finished in 29 minutes BUT with TERRIBLE chest injuries. It was a miracle he lived. After that He was Southern Kennels Ch. Mayday.
  4. We hooked into Big Dust´s Ch.Budda, (6X), he had won 6 but only had reported the last three to the SDJ. This time it was 65 pounds. In the first 5 minutes, Budda BROKE Mayday's Leg. Budda was a rough dog, after that Mayday stay there with three legs, and still coming and coming, it was a classic match. after 30 minutes even, they both slow down and pace themselves. At the 45 minute mark, Mayday started to take control and I urged him to finish. I would yell, and mayday shook violently. at 1:05 . Buddah stood the line.!! Mayday once again SCREAMED in the corner.
  5. The best match was Gr.Ch.Mayday against Tant's Cody at catchweight. Cody led the contest early pushing and punching very hard into Mayday for the first 35 minutes. Mayday was just trying to keep that big strong dog out with defense. He held on to the nose, face and throat. A few times Mayday tried to go into the back-end but Cody was toostrong and kept him out. Finally, Mayday understood that he was in front of a lot of stronger dog than he. So, he never tried to go into the back-end again. He just kept working up front...... nose,face and throat. After 35 - 45 minutes , Mayday started to show the lead a little bit!!! Mayday had got a good throat hold on Cody . He held that spot for a few minutes. At the 51 minute mark Mayday was on top of Cody and was really working his throat hold. Mr. Tant asked us to scratch to continue, Cody. Cody wasn't moving, wasn't breathing, or anything. He was was like a dead dog. So we said OK. We didn't think there was any way possible Cody could scratch . BOY WERE WE SURPRISED when that CODY dog started to scream in the corner like a maniac. !!!!! We were in front of a DEAD GAME DOG, Cody worked Mayday over really hard for a few more minutes. Then, Mayday caught him in the same throat hold again at the 1:03 mark!!!!! Tant asked us again to scratch Cody to continue, and we said NO!! " YOU EITHER PICK THAT DEAD GAME DOG UP OR MAYDAY WILL FINISH HIM RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOX!!" Mr. Tant made the right decision and both boys made good hard courtesy scratches.
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