In the late 70's early 80's Mr Fletcher Chavis bred some dogs that any fancier would be proud to own. Much of his original stock came from that old dog CH Yellow John ROM and for years Mr Chavis campaigned with those inbred redboy dogs that he got from RT Bass. He was considered one of the best.In the mid 70's an outstanding discovery was made. Vernon Jackson had a dog that he purchased from Don Mayfield that he called Hank. He was inbred Mayfield Lightning II blood. Hank didn't start till he was 3 years old, but when he did; he not only turned out to be a phenomenal performer but an exceptional producer as well.He was bred to a bitch of B. Rasts called Queenie and from that litter came Ch.Jocko, Ch.Argo, Pearl(Apple) and a few other good ones. Mr Chavis ended up with Jocko and that was the beginning of the famous Redboy/Jocko line. Mr. Chavis campaigned with Jocko and he looked to be unbeatable due to the inherited trait of Hanks back end style. Jocko became a CH and was retired for stud. He was bred to his sister Apple(Pearl) to get two good producing bitches named Green's Sandy and Green's Coffee. These two bitches were bred into a winning hard mouthed triple bred Bass' Tramp Redboy dog named Ch.Yellowjohn(ROM) . Out of Coffee's litter came Super Gnats boots who won one in 4:52. Out of Sandy's litter came GR.CH.John Boy,S.T.P.'s CH.Toro,S.T.P.'s Ch.Tyson,Chavis Cleopatra,Chavis Deadly, and Greens Hitman. Chavis Also had a bitch named Ch.Lady Sassy Mead(4X)(half Redboy and half Lonzos breeding.) She was also bred to Ch.Jocko . Out of that litter came Chavis Dangerous Dan, Thor, Margarett and Lady Rose. Dangerous Dan was bred to a bitch named Steen's Delilah (who was out of the above Margaret when she was bred to a 2Xwinner named Bucky(JockoX Redboy-bitch) to get Carolina Kennel's Ch.Termite(ROM). Ch.Termite when bred to a Medlin's Outlaw bitch made Gr.Ch. Sirus. Chavis Lady Rose was bred back to Jocko to get Chavis Flipper, Chavis Susie,and a 2Xwinning bitch named Miss Jocko. Susie was bred straight to Bass Tramp Red Boy to get Chavis Red Lady. Red Lady was bred back to Flipper to get Chavis Ch.ROHO. Miss Jocko was also bred to CH.YellowJohn . Out of that breeding came S.T.P.'s CH.Sassy, Gainys GR.CH.Jr, and Tants GR CH Yellow ROM. There have been so many breedings done with Redboy-Jocko that it gets a bit confusing. I think that the most INFLUENTIAL dog of all the redboy-jocko dogs has to be Gr.Ch.Yellow because of all the champions he produced with bitches of ALL other bloodlines and his own. Gr.Ch.Yellow also produced bitches that produced as well as he did. Special mention....Gr.Ch.Yellow was bred to his littermate sister Ch.Sassy to produce Tant's AAA who is producing males and females of the utmost performance quality. After Gr.Ch.Yellow won his first match ,Carl Crews took an interest in him, when he talked to his partner about he said "I don't like the dog he scratches to slow "But after Carl put a bug in his ear for awile Tant gave in and EACH MAN GAVE $400.00 A PIECE!!!! So Gr.Ch.Yellow was bought for $800.00 dollars Yellow stayed in Tant's yard most of the time because Carl carried a little more attention than Tant.Yellow won his first at 14 months old which would make his D.O.B. approximately Sept. of '83. He became a Ch. at the age of two and a Gr.Ch. at three. Yellow was placed on the ROM list in '93 with 5 ROM points.The following came from the SDJ Book of Champions, vol.2."A six time winner, many dog men thought Yellow would be easy to whip, since he only puts out enough energy to win. Whatever the other dog had to put out, Yellow just stayed out in front. He's won in the short time of 30 minutes and the marathon time of two hours and 37 minutes. Always just enough to win."
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