First of all I’d like to thank Andy and Bill for this excellent interview! It’s one of the best I’ve ever read! These guys helped me in many areas of the project and helped me to start when I had no other support! Signed, the editor Now here you go, have a nice time reading! See a lot of guys are big name because other people build their name up or whatever. People who don’t fight dogs, they do all kinds of build up on certain people. Their idols, and they might come up with this and this one tells that one and they come up with a big story. The way I look at it, because a guy wins all kinds of fights on one end of town or one state and another guy wins the same amount of fights some - where else. The difference is, who did you match into? Some kind of amateurs that was easy to beat? Because I know some of the biggest guys that have done some dirty work. Matched into dogs that previ - ously lost... You know, but if I say stuff Bill would put it right in there! He should know himself... A lot of different dog men, the dummies in the dog game now, they hear these names and they think these guys were great dog men. They never fought a dog in their life. Never did nothing. Some guys that sold dogs for big, big money. I sold Troll to Castillo for $1,500. He sold it to the Germans for $8,000. He certainly didn’t need any money. He had a big job with Ford. He was a 20 year man with Ford. He didn’t work in the factory; he had like a foreman type job. He was up there. His (Castillo) first fight he lost. Then after that he got a good bitch, and I gave him a lot of tips on conditioning and he won three times with the bitch. That’s all he ever did (Castillo). He had four fights. A lot of guys, they hear these names plastered everywhere. Jack Kelly plastered everything. Whoever was his friend, you got big recognition. I matched into Jack Kelly in New York. Jack Kelly, the editor of the magazine he was just starting out. I’m trying to think what year that was. 76? Yeah, 1976. He called me on to come to New York. So I drove up there with Bryan. Bryan, who had Snake JR., Big Brad, Big Brad had Red Danger and he is the one that brought Angus here. Big Brad brought Angus from California then he ended up selling him to Billy Stepp. Now uh, thinking back. Brad and Bryan went with me. We had a camper on a pickup truck. So we drove up to New York City. I get there, and I agreed to meet Jack Kelly. So we are going to fight on Sunday morning and this was Saturday. So we call him, tell him where we were. Tell him to pick us up and take us to the construction site. Pulled the truck with the camper inside the construction site, it’s all big 10 foot high cyclone fence. Pulled inside of there and he just locked us in there. We had food in the camper, we had water. We had everything you needed. So, when I met him he said “Let me see your dog.” We had 31 lb females. He looked and he laughed when I brought the dog out. He said, “That little bitch, I’m gonna kill your little bitch tomorrow!” And he was sure he was gonna do that. So, he rolls his bitch but Jack Kelly was a bullshitter and a dreamer. To me, he was no dog man. He just could write magazines and bullshit. The morning came, right in that place where we were locked in, he had all his people or all his friends came or whatever. He had gone to Georgia, he was still living in New York but he was planning on going to live in Georgia later when re - tired because he was a cop up there. Now, he wanted a terrible, terrible dog. The guy who was winning all the fights all the time was Andre Giroux. But Andre rolled his dogs so much that they would stay in hold on you; they would lock on your face and stay there. They were on your dogs face, the side of your dogs’ cheek; well your dog couldn’t bite him. It makes the dog panic, he’d wear himself out trying to get loose and when they are all worn out your dog can beat the shit out of him. That’s the way Andre’s dogs beat ev - erybody. Kelly, instead of buying a dog directly from Andre, he takes one of his own bitches and he breeds it to Andre’s dog. He ended up with a terrible hard biting bitch. So he rolled her and she just destroyed everything, 1-2-3. She’d just bite them down and if they didn’t take her off, she’d kill them. Anyway, he had that trophy knife made down in Georgia. He had that trophy knife made by a knife maker. So that was the trophy, the bowie knife. I forget who was the referee. It wasn’t Andre, but Andre was his corner man. We’re in his territory so he’s figured he’s got it made for sure. He figures I didn’t have a chance. So the dogs are released and by three minutes, my bitch is bloodied up. Arteries hit in each ankle. That bitch went to the ankles and bit deep enough where the bloods pouring out of mine. So he hurt mine good within three minutes, but in my situation, most of my dogs would go to your face. Go to your nose or whatever. All my dogs could bite, just like his could bite. Only thing is, my dogs could bite and they were game. My bitch bit his on the nose, grabbed her nose and bit down terrible and his bitch starts scream - ing. Mine got a grip on the nose and just smashed that nose and lip and the whole bit. His bitch was screaming and couldn’t get loose, so mine just shook her out and had her screaming good. Let go and shot into her shoulder, took a big chunk out of her shoul - der, went into her backend and starts shaking her like a rag doll all over the pit. Kelly’s dog had big fangs, snapped in my dogs face, broke loose and tried to run. Tried to jump the pit. My bitch grabbed her by the tail and pulled her back in. Slammed her down and Kelly of course calls a turn and gets a handle on his bitch. Thinks he can get her to scratch, so he goes and this is why he hated me from that day on. He was jealous as a bastard. Anything that I had to do with and the dog was sold to somebody else, there was no mention that I even ever owned that dog. Oh shit, Bulldog Heavens Geraldine, Sextons Bubbles... BULLSHIT! Bubbles was the mother of Virgil, did he breed Virgil? I don’t think so! Bull - dog Heavens Geraldine. I sold that dog to them after she got older. I did the breedings, I bred all kinds of god damn Champions and I had ROM bitches. I had them for years. But Jack Kelly, would never let that ever show. Because of what I did to him that day. He invited people. From all different states, from the south, from New England, from Chicago and brag - ging to everybody ahead of time what he’s gonna do to my bitch. He’s killing her. He was sure. When I put a hurtin on his dog, the nose and the rest of the things I did to her she curred out and tried to jump the pit and my bitch grabbed her tail pulled her back in. He gets her in the corner and he thinks he can get her to scratch. Whatever he was hoping for, he was hoping for a miracle because he was embarrassed he invited all those people. Referee said OK, 25 sec - onds face your dogs; 5 seconds more release your bitch. He took his hands off her, and he was hold - ing her to face my bitch and she didn’t even want to look at my bitch. When he let go of her, she turned around and ran between his legs and was clawing at the corner of the pit trying to get out of there. He never forgot that ever (laughs). How did you get started in the dogs? I had a friend who got Hetricks yard. Hetricks yard was in North East and they were old and they got real old and they either gave him the dogs or got very few dollars because he didn’t have nothing. A guy named, J. Whitsell. He was in a suburb of Pittsburgh so he took the whole yard of Hetricks. So he got about 35 dogs. Well, he didn’t have anywhere to put them. So he leased this property where he was going to have a summer camp for kids and in the winter he stuck all the dogs there. And when his friends came he had to move them all. Which he ended up doing and then he just started selling them off try - ing to make money off of them and he didn’t know what he had there you know. He was a terrible dog keeper, eventually he got out of the dogs. He got into trouble and got out of the dogs. But uh, that’s how I got started. Then I got introduced to Jack Kelly and Komosinski though him. I seen Jack Kelly fight at Walter Komosinskis’. Ko - mosinski had conventions up there. Komosinski had guys coming from Florida who had dogs directly off of Maurice Carver and of course they won. Walter lived in Tarentum. 25 miles north of Pittsburgh. Walter of course was an old time dog man. He had the foreign attitude. The way everybody looked at things in America, he didn’t look at it that way. He just, totally different. I am going to ask you the name of greats that you owned in the past and your comments on them! Champion HOMER ROM? Match #2. The match was originally between the Bishop Brothers and Ziggy from Canada. The Bishops lived in Buffalo, NY, so they were close to Canada. The Bishops had trouble with their dog and contacted me to bring Homer instead of their dog. This was four weeks in front of the match. I drove to Canada, and the fight took place in Ziggy’s cellar. Ziggy was using a son of Tombstone, CH Savage. Andre Giroux and several of the French Canadians were there. When the dogs were released, it didn’t take very long for Homer to cripple CH Savage. At the 13 minute mark, CH Savage couldn’t push him - self off the floor. Both shoulders and both stifles were gone. Ziggy conceded at thirty nine minutes and CH Savage crawled on his belly like a snake to complete a scratch. CH Savage died one hour later. Match #This was at a convention, and it was against the oldtimer Clyde Mason. His dog was called ‘Thumper’ and he had a good reputation. They drove from Missouri to Pennsylvania so they must have had a lot of confidence in their dog. He was conditioned and handled by Ray Carter. Attending this convention was Dave Adams of GR CH Zebo and GR CH Art fame. Also there was Jack Kelly, editor of the Sporting Dog Journal and Ralph Green - wood all the way from Salt Lake City, Utah. In this match Thumper showed to be conditioned to perfec - tion, and had such great balance that Homer could not throw him to the mat. Thumper was very effec - tive at holding Homer out. He stayed on Homer’s head, and was very strong. Somewhere around thir - ty-five minutes, Homer seen he couldn’t get to the stifle, so he switched his style and went to the head. He got a good hold on Thumpers lower jaw and he broke it. That was the crucial point of the match. Thumper could not hold Homer out. Now Homer went in for the kill. He was doing terrible damage to Thumpers stifles and between his legs. There was a handle made with Thumper to scratch. He fell in his corner and was counted out at 52 minutes. He died forty five minutes later. Judges voted Homer ‘Best in Show”. In that same convention, I won ‘Best of Opposite Sex’ with CH Tammy (she was GR CH Vigil’s grandmother). Also winning that night was CH Rastus. I had been winning 98% of his fights for quite a while. Clyde Mason supposed to be the old time southern gentlemen or whatever you want to call him. He was not that. He was crying like a baby. I mean he wasn’t really crying tears, but he was bitching, he was, he just couldn’t believe that his dog got beat because his dog kicked ass everywhere. He had a bad attitude about it. After the third fight, a lot of guys were jealous be - cause they couldn’t win all the time. So a bunch of guys got together, and they had this one black guy in Pittsburgh. He had GR CH Mickey. A lot of guys, they’re all jealous. There’s no way you can go out and win fights forever and have everybody be your friend. They’re gonna all be jealous. They can’t win, and they are going say “How the hell can you do it?” You have to have the dogs, and you have to be the man! The dog is only as good as the man behind him. You go to convention after convention and you win all the fights and you win the trophies every single time, ha, you think they ain’t gonna be jealous or what!? About a year later, a combine formed to beat me, they were Ralph Livingston, Big Brad of Red Dan - ger fame, Lonny Woodberry who owned GR CH Mickey and Tony Wolfe who was the owner of CH Saloon, a four time winner. The combine was us - ing a dog called Bear and he looked bigger than CH Homer. This fight was at forty five lbs. This Bear dog was sired by Livingston’s CH Freddie who was a littermate to CH Homer. I accepted this challenge even though I couldn’t work Homer as good as I did previous, due to my wife suffering from Leukemia. During the keep, I missed many days taking care of my wife. On the day of the fight, I told my opponents, I only had three good weeks of work in him but he was fed good for six weeks. The dogs were weighed and brought into the pit. Both weighed 45 lbs. The bear dog started out ahead in the fight and remained there for 16 minutes or more. Cutting up Homer’s legs. Then CH Homer started biting hard and com - ing back. I talked to him urging him on to hurt Bear. In a short while Bear went down and Ch Homer was biting big holes in the stifles and between the legs. Ch Homer continued to punish Bear and Bear was screaming. The combine conceded at forty four min - utes. Bear died that night. I was inactive for about a year. When Big Brad came to my house, he said he was sent to borrow CH Hom - er. They want to take him out for his fifth time. My family objected and they let me know how they felt about loaning CH Homer out. Brad continued to visit trying to convince me to let them take CH Homer. Finally, I relented and let Brad take CH Homer. I was under the impression that Jim Stinson would work CH Homer and that he would go at 45 lbs. Stinson always worked Billy Stepps’ dogs for most all of his fights. Why not this time? In fact, Billy Stepp himself would work CH Homer. Why? Most everyone in the dog game never heard of Billy Stepp working a dog before. Stepp never, ever, handled a dog in the pit. He was known as a gambler. I didn’t know until three weeks before the fight that CH Homer was going into ‘Jeep’. I was really upset that CH Homer was going at 42lbs. Now that CH Homer was five years old, I felt he should fight at 45lbs. Big Brad and I arrived in Georgia on Saturday morn - ing. The fight was to be Saturday night. Brad and I went to Stepps’ motel room. The first words Billy Stepp said to me were, “Did you ever have trouble with Homer drying out before?” To which I replied “NO!” Billy Stepp said that he worked Homer and drove from Dayton, Ohio to Southern Georgia. Homer de - hydrated and when he arrived in Georgia and Stepp weighed him, Homer’s weight plummeted down to 40 1/2 lbs (this was Thursday). Stepp said he then gave Homer a bucket of water. Homer drank one and one half buckets of water from Thursday to Saturday. Stepp felt he would be OK. All the mistakes they made up till now were stack - ing the deck against Homer. Don’t you think they should have given and I.V. or some drink with elec - trolytes in it? After all does regular water have elec - trolytes in it? Once you dog dehydrates and you take him to the vets, would they give him water out of the faucet? I don’t think so! Homer needed an I.V. He needed electrolytes. They give babies Pedialtye don’t they? Why didn’t they give Homer Pedialyte? Do you know why? Because they didn’t know what they were doing. No previous experience. Butch House from Texas was there before the fight. He said in his opinion Homer was jacked up and it showed in his head. It was sunken in. Butch House said he seen the same thing before in Texas. On the night of the fight, Billy Stepped picked a friend from Florida to handle. His name was Kenny Sammons. That was another mistake, as Sammons was having a nervous breakdown in the corner as the dogs were facing each other. The referee never said anything. The next thing you know, here comes Jeep wide open, Kenny Sammons was looking to his right talking to someone, outside of the pit. Homers legs were held off the floor then all the spectators yelled to Sammons to “Release your dog!” The yell - ing scared and startled Sammons and he threw CH Homer out into the pit. Homer hit the floor and his legs buckled and he went down. Before he could get up, Jeep was in his shoulder. Jeep stayed there for 10 minutes. Now it took Homer ten minutes to bite him out. Where was Homers bite? The answer: Left in the gym, due to the mistakes of cutting him below his best weight, and 3 lbs below. But Why? You will soon find out. So now from the 10 minute mark on CH Homer had to fight on three legs. Where does that put you in your ability to wrestle? How can you throw your opponent? You are now behind. Yet the longer the fight went, the more determined Homer became and he evened things up. He was so game; he couldn’t realize how bad the odds were stacked against him. The fight went on -- and on -- and on. Now it was reaching the three hour mark. Crenshaw could feel the pressure. He started feeling he might lose. So he came over to Billy Stepp and asked for a draw. Stepp then asked me, “Should we agree?” I told him “NO!”. The draw was off. Crenshaw was worried that’s why he asked for a draw. Why? Because at the three hour mark Jeep was sitting in a standing position, his tongue was out and he was breathing heavily, and he was out of hold. At this moment in time, CH Homer was in Jeeps stifle, while Jeep paid no attention and was surveying the crowd. Homer was working away at the three hour mark, shaking out on Jeeps stifle. When he stiffened up and fell over, and he layed stretched out on his side. By now Homer was dying. Fighting this long Homer had to lose some weight. He probably weighed forty lbs or less. So now that Homer fell over and layed on his side not moving, this excited Jeep and he then goes into Homer’s throat. He digs in for a couple minutes, and then comes out of hold, picks up his head, his tongue is out of his mouth, he is breathing heavily. Jeep then makes a sudden right turn, and walks away from a down dog, heading for the pit wall. Crenshaw immediately ran over and grabbed Jeep before he got to the wall. And that was right where I was on that side of the pit. He looked that direction where them people were, and I swear to god almighty, he made a fast walk away from Homer heading toward the pit boards. And I’ve been around, I had 132 fights, I’ve seen a thousand fights. Jeep was going over the pit. My opinion. Like I said, I’ve seen a thousand fights, all big name dogs. Dogs were handled and taken to their corners. This was somewhere around three hours and fifteen min - utes. Sammons was having another nervous break - down in the corner with Homer. He was very nervous; when the referee said “Face your dogs” Sammons started shaking Homer up and down. This had no purpose what so ever. You are supposed to hold your dog perfectly still. You’re not supposed to call your opponents dog to scratch and by shaking Homer he encouraged Jeep to scratch. That was a crucial mis - take. In a long fight 90% of dogs get discouraged. It is very easy for a dog to walk over within a foot of their opponents and get counted out. Sammons should have held Homer still and not moved at all. Anything can happen when the fight goes close to four hours. But anyway Jeep completed his scratch. Somewhere around three hours and twenty minutes a handle was made, Homer to go. We all thought he was dying when he layed in his side after the three hour mark. Now he has to scratch? At the referees’ command, “Release your Dog”, Sammons let loose and Homer tries to go hard but is on rubber legs. He goes down, does a couple somer - saults, head over heels, his backend comes over his head. He is down. He is now facing his own corner. The referee starts counting. Within seconds I push past all the spectators and runs to Homers outside corner. I yelled in to CH Homer, “Get up Homer, Get up Baby --up--up--up”. When CH Homer heard my voice, he began yodeling and whining and he came out of the corner and fell and got back up stum - bling and falling, completing an unbelievable game scratch. Another handle was made and Jeep completed his scratch. Dogs handled again and Homer was unable to go at three hours and 43 minutes. He died 30 min - utes later. I didn’t know and I didn’t find out until one year later from Frank Bunce the story here. The reason Stepp conditioned and the reason his weight was cut to 42lbs was that Billy Stepp had a $10,000 forfeit to fight his 42lb Grand Champion into Jeep. If he didn’t show up with a 42lb dog he would lose the $10,000. When I found out it was 42 lbs I almost fell over dead. You know, when a dogs real young you might keep him down pretty thin weight. However, when he gets older it’s impossible to cut that dog thin like that. The 42lb Grand Champion was on Jim Stinson’s yard as Stinson had to condition him. Stinson had to go out somewhere and he left the dogs alone for a couple of hours. When he returned home the Grand Champion came walking up to him on a broken chain. Stinston was shocked that the Grand Champion was not still locked in battle. Did he walk away from one of the other dogs? Stinson took this Grand Champion over to the other dog who was jumping four feet off the ground. The Grand Champion dug his feet into the dirt and refused to budge. Stinson picked him up and threw him to CH Ruby, Zebo’s daughter. She began chewing him up. The Grand Champion broke loose and ran, this is the dog they had $10,000 forfeit on. But how stupid are they. Stinson’s supposed to be a big dogman, where? Where? To pull a dog, a 45lb down to 42? A lot of brains. No, it’s because Stinson was the cause of them ready to lose the forfeit, the $10,000. How could they use him (the GR CH) now; he curred out today. That’s why they had to borrow Homer. Being as this dog got loose, Stepp wouldn’t let Hom - er out of his sight. Do you want to know the Grand Champion that was originally matched into Jeep and curred out in the yard fight? None other than Grand Champion Angus. If you don’t believe this, then how come Angus dis - appeared after the Jeep - Homer fight??? CH Homer was bred to only two females, yet made ROM before CH Jeep. Although Jeep was bred to hundreds and hundreds of bitches. You know I had to pay $50 to get into see the fight? Sure did, the people collecting the gate, they didn’t know me. They couldn’t care less. Would you have let Big Brad borrow Homer if you had known the amount of weight they were giving up? I’m not that stupid. My dog, I know his best weight. Besides that, he’s five years old. He’s five years old. Use your head. I don’t have to come after somebody, some certain guy. Whether Billy Stepp did or what - ever, I don’t know. Oh yeah, they had the thing up there. They had the $10,000 forfiet because Angus was to fight into him and Angus got his ass beat and quit in Alvin, Texas. That’s why Angus disappeared from the scene. Nobody ever told that. Everybody protects all these things with their lies, but that’s what happened. Jeep was about half the dog Homer was. That’s the easiest way to describe it. There’s no way in the world he can be compared. He’s on top and he’s heading for the pit boards. He’s conditioned good, he’s fought before. Of course he’s gonna come out smokin. But if he’d of got hurt in the beginning real bad and if he’d a got bit like Homer did to some of the other ones he’d a changed his mind. Homer beat better dogs than him. Clyde Masons dog was way badder dog than Jeep. And secondly, how’s my dog gonna work in there with some guy who don’t know what he’s doing. He aint talking to the dog or nothing. The guy handling was lost. Did you ever let anyone borrow and of your dogs after letting Homer out? No, Nope! My family didn’t want me to do that no kind of way anyway. They didn’t want me to do that. But when I won four times, I figured so can they. But you don’t do that shit. They had to. They couldn’t change the weight. They had $10,000 riding. What were they gonna do? But they didn’t tell me. Nobody told me. They never told me afterwards. I heard a year after the fight, from Frank Bunce. He said I was talking to Stinson, cause he was buying dogs from Stinson and had been talking to Stinson. He said and Stinson told him how it happened. Then he told me, it was one year after. There was many things that happened in the dog game that they covered over and hid. Champion RASTUS? Looking at all the dogs, I had more than one good dog here. Rastus. I got Rastus from Pat Patrick. Some guy bought a dog from Maurice Carver, he won. He beat some Champion in Tennessee; beat some other guys, he was positive to win. I hit an ar - tery in his shoulder, and the blood shot. Frank Bunce was there. It shot about 4 feet. The blood shot and it made a big noise when I hit this, this white dog right from Maurice Carver. These guys knew Dave Adams and they matched into me. They paid $5,000 for this dog. They might have kicked ass before, it wasn’t there day though. That dog Rastus, he was a Champion dog. He took that dog out, he took out that shoulder and weakened him and then he went into the throat. People are stupid. I told them, I says “You better give up right now, just go ahead and save your dog.” He wouldn’t do it. Wouldn’t do it. He was cocky. Cocky assholes. Just real cocky. So I just went ahead and just, I was there to win and that’s it. I try to help you, and you don’t want help. So, then he says, “I got no money to get home!” I says, “Well, tough shit. I tried to help you before. You didn’t want any help.” Grand Champion VIRGIL ROM? Virgil, I went in a convention. Somebody named Chickaman put it on. Now the Chickaman was the only son. He was a miner. His dad spoiled him. He gets in the dogs and he thinks he’s better than everybody. It’s just his attitude. It’s the way his dad brought him up. So I’m talking to him on the phone to come to this convention with Virgil. I’m gonna match into one of the dogs that was the littermate to that GR CH Mikey and GR CH Trouble. They’re littermates. There was another one, and his name was CH Elmo. Well he just killed somebodys dog in thirty minutes. So, they called me on. So I’m in this fight. They told me don’t bring you’re scales we ain’t gonna let you use them. We’re going to use a balance scale because they bought the one off of Walter Komosinski. He had one of them old fash - ioned ones, balance ones where you put the weight hooks on. I had four scales and I had one scale that cost a lot of money. About a $200 scale, real good scale. All brass and everything. Really good. So I knew my dog was on the weight because I had more than one scale to make sure, I didn’t want to make no mistakes. And I had a test weight. The Chicka - man, he said not to bring your scales so I didn’t. I got there, he fights first. He’s such an asshole, that he goes and he fights a female. Females are never fought first. Never. He did. That’s how much of an idiot he was. Then I go to fight, you know, the second fight. I’m gonna go to weigh my dog to show he’s on the weight. He took the scale and he didn’t bring it. What’s this shit!? You tell me not to bring it, now you don’t have it. What a young Jack off! Where he’s coming from... He’s just a young ass - hole! I weigh Virgil, he’s trying to tell me I’m 2 ½ lbs light. I says, “I was never 2 ½ lbs light in my life of matching dogs. Now I guess the guy I’m into, he’s right on the weight too?” It’s a black guy, got some killing dog. Big black son of a bitch. He weighs, he’s on the weight and I’m 2 ½ lbs light. I says, “No, your 2 ½ lbs over is what it is. Where’s your test weight and your garbage scale?” He says, “Oh, I got a dumbbell.” I says, “Stick that dumbbell up your ass. Yins are trying to cheat me. Go get your dog, you got 2 ½ lbs on me, but go get your dog.” He gets his dog and his dog barnstorms and hits two ar - teries in Virgil. I’m thinking, boy this son of a bitch can bite. He’s got one bubble in his muzzle and one in his shoulder. Hit artiereis on him. He gets Virgil down for about 8 minutes. I just stand over Virgil and just start talking to him. I tell him, “Get up out of there. Get up out Virgil! Up, up, up!” Virgil bit him in the chest from the bottom, and struggled to get to his feet. When Virgil righted himself and got on his feet, he still had that dogs chest in his mouth. He pressed that dog over his head. The dogs front legs fell over Virgils back, the dogs rear legs were suspended in mid-air. He didn’t have one foot on the floor. So Virgil pressed him over his head, he dropped over Virgils back, the back legs suspended in mid-air. Virgil then slammed him to the floor. Be - fore he could get up, Virgil ran on him real quick and he bit him around the chest or belly or whatever, and he starts running across the floor with him. Like a sweeper. You know, just driving with both back legs and he had big massive stifles. He’s running with this dog in his mouth, and this dog couldn’t get lose. He slid him all the way across the floor until he hit the pit boards. As soon as he hit the pit boards, he let go of where he was at and he went right into the kidneys. He bit through the kidney and then he lifted his lips. He curled his lips back where you could see his gums. You could see big long fangs that Virgil had. You could see all that gum and big long fangs. He pulled them out of the kidney, and then he drove them back in. You could see the fangs go right in the dogs kidney, all the way up to the gum line and he did that three times. That dog stretched out stiff and that was the end of him. It was 30 minutes. That was a brother to two Grand Champions. He bit the dust like all the other ones did too. See, the thing to me; Crenshaw can say what he wants, STP can say what he wants, so could the rest of them. But everybody came against me, got killed. Did they kill everybody? (Laughs) Champion WILEY? Now Wiley was one fantastic dog. I had Wiley and I rolled him when he was 14 months old against his brother and his brother was equal like him. I thought, I never seen a dog at 14 months old that could battle like that. I’ve never seen dogs at 14 months that could fight like that. So, Wileys grand - father was Cholly Boys brother. What happened in his fight, this guy calls me from Detroit. Some white guy. Bud Carpenter, he calls me and he wants me to come in at 37. I says, “I don’t have no dog 37 ex - cept my 14 month old dog. I ain’t bringing my dog like that up there.” In fact, by the time he called me he was 15 months old. He said, “That’s what they want, 37 lbs.” I said, “Well, I’m not bringing that dog, I’ll bring other dogs. I have other dogs that’s old enough. Three years old, four years old. You know, 43, 45 shit like that.” He said, “No we want the 37.” I says, “No, I can’t bring him cause he’s too young.” So he keeps calling me back. He’s an old white haired guy. He said, “The other guy out there, his dogs only 18 months old.” I said, “Well if he’s 18 months old, then I got faith in this dog cause this is one bad son of a bitch. I’ll bring him.” When I got there, of course those dirty bastards; now why would this old guy, I mean he was old. If he was 75 or whatever he was, he aged big time. He was old! Why would he do it? I didn’t see no connection why would want to do it. Here’s a dog I’m going into is going into his championship. And it’s double Carvers Stompanoto. He’s a bad dog. Larry Kipton. Black guy. The dogs name was Pee Wee. All black. And Wiley was all black. Wiley’s conditioned really perfect and he’s all gun-ho to go. He’s real young and he’s whacked out of his mind to battle and he’s pointed to the day and exact minute of the fight he’s ready to get in there and get it on right now. He can’t wait to get it on. We get in there and he rushes into the dog, tries to put it on him. The other dog goes to the face and is holding him out. So they go back and forth on the face holding each other. And even though he was young, he was 17 months old. I took him in the fight at 17 months old, which was aw - fully young to take a dog going into a dog going for his championship. But, he didn’t know. What’s he know? He didn’t know nothing about it. What he does, he breaks loose from the head holds, drops low and that dog shot over his head, and he went straight up and hit him in the throat. He bit hard into the throat and he start rooting in and lifting him. He’s lifting his feet about 3 or 4 inches off the ground. He was ramming him and lifting him up, lifting him off the floor. Next thing you know, blood shoots out everywhere. Bloods pouring on the floor. He won’t come out of the throat, the first fight he stayed there, wouldn’t come out. Would not come out at all. Dogs backend starts shaking, he got weak and all he could, his eyes would look at the crowd, but he couldn’t do nothing because Wiley still had his throat. Had him right by the throat and he punctured through his jugular vein. He bit through his jugular vein. So, his backend starts shaking, finally he’s sitting down. Then he laid down, and then Wiley’s just working him over going deeper in the throat and they threw in the towel at 22 minutes. Their dog died anyway in 30. There’s a 17 month old dog that did that. Then I beat Captain America and then I beat some other guy. His last name was Sonnier. Like a French name. He had a good dog, but he had to pick him up. Because that dog was just taking him apart. When I beat Cap - tain America, with a brother to GR CH King Arthur I beat him with Wiley. You know, it’s the idea. You’re just fortunate enough to get the right dogs. End of part one.... Stay tuned for part two...Ozzie will go in details about dogs like CH ZERO, CH CHOLLY BOY, ZERA, OLD CHARLIE and dogmen like STP, Crenshaw, Frank Bunce, Dave Adams, Billy Stepp etc...Mr.Stevens will also talk about conditioning, handling and good spotrtsmanship...so get ready!!! | |
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