Главная » 2014 » Июль » 6 » OLD PETE SPARKS SAYS

Pete Sparks


Pit bulls are dogs first and "Pits" second. Keep ‘em fat and healthy and treat ‘em like pups ‘til they’re at least 18—24 months old and you’ll come out way ahead in the end. I never could understand how some men think they can "neglect" a dog until he’s "grown" and then expect him to suddenly become a "world- class athlete"!
Hey Pete! What can you say to a  person who would like to buy a very  game APBT? ( Maybe the son of an "ace") I do n’t care about the price of him but I don’t know the "world" of the APBT in USA.
That’s not an easy one. First, I don’t recommend running out and buying a pup off of some hot-shot dog who has won a few but hasn’t showed his prowess in the brood pen! One of the hardest things for beginners to figure out is that winning matches doesn’t have anything to do with producing good dogs! I would worry more about WHO I got the dog from than about the dogs themselves, and I damn sure wouldn’t tell a peddler that the price doesn’t matter!.

Unless you have actually seen a dog in action all you have is a bunch of writing in some magazine. It may or may not be true. And hell, I have seen legitimate Champions I wouldn’t breed a coyote bitch to! Why?

Because they acted like curs! For example, I remember years ago a "champion" (out of what turned out to be a pretty famous litter of dogs) was sold to some people in another part of the country from where he was campaigned. These boys wanted him for a stud dog.

He did have ability and a good mouth so to test him they put a ten pound bigger dog on him. He hung it up in fifteen minutes! He was "game" as long as things were going his way and whipped three inferior dogs to  get his title, but a stud dog? Not in my yard pal! A rough cur is just a cur that’s a little harder to game-test.
Never forget this. The winner of a match is the one who sends in the report and usually he’s going to write it to make his dog look as good as possible. Then he can sell the dog for more money.You will have to do your "homework", meaning research who are the HONEST breeders, ‘cause I guarantee you that the crooks are out there just waiting for a guy like you to call! If you want the best chance of gettin’ a GAME one it’s best to buy a grown tested dog fr om someone who has been around a long time and has used the dog in his own breeding program.
Will it be all right to leave him at my house for almost 10 hours without supervision? And what do you think would be the best way to keep him there, could I just let it run free.
It is fine to leave a dog alone for ten hours but only if it is properly confined! Never let a pitbull "run free" anytime or anywhere without  proper supervision. Unless you really like trouble. Most of the problems between dogs and people are the result of dogs running loose. Dogs, all dogs, are predators and they can and will often get into trouble if left to their own devices.

This next question might make a good debate. When looking for a  proven male to breed to, could a dog that was matched but picked up  game and still scratching actually be more attractive to breed to for his gameness than the dog that won the match? Obviously the dog that won the match had more ability but if the losing dog had no chance of wining but refused to quit could that make that dog because of it's  gameness a better candidate to breed to. Don't get me wrong, I'm not making any excuses for losing and the winning dog's ability doesn't mean that he isn't also game, I was just wondering what people thought about the subject.

Thanks again for the great mag. and hopefully people  will write in with their opinions about this matter. Yours Truly, Bones
Damn right, Bones! I have always felt and always said that I would rather breed to a good, game 3 hour loser than to one of these totally untested, "30 minute champions"! Why? Because many of them have a few easy goes and then quit the first time they run into a real bulldog! A cur is a cur and it don¹t matter how hard he bites or how smart or talented he is. If he ain¹t game he¹s not going to be used in my breeding program. It is gameness that separates our bulldogs from all the other breeds in the world. there are breeds that can probably bite as hard or harder; breeds that have more agility or can run faster; have bigger teeth, thicker fur and so on. But none of those things does them much good against a bulldog for one important reason. A bulldog is  gamer than they are!
They can bite the hell out of him and he¹ll keep coming. They can frustrate him with fancy moves and mouth-speed but he¹ll keep coming. Or they can outrun him but he¹ll keep chasing until he catches them! So what will happen if everyone breeds for hard mouth and talent and we lose the gameness (as some lines have already done)? How will our dogs be any better than a Rottweiler or a Rhodesian Ridgeback then?

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