Главная » 2014 » Апрель » 28 » BASS TRAMP RED BOY (2XW) ROM


Red Boy was the result of a father/daughter breeding of Teal's Jeff and Mc Leod's Susie Q Gal. Teal's Jeff was off of Teal's Sarge bred to Teal's Lou. Teal's Sarge was a pure Colby dog out of Colby's Dime bred to Colby's Margie. This combination of Red Boy/Cleo had produced top quality proven brood females, who in turn were bred back to Red Boy or other inbred Red Boy studs to strengthen and improve the line. The gameness of this line is legendary, and is what has made the Red Boy strain so highly desirable. These are fast starting fiery dogs with tremendous wind. Some would say that the only draw back to the Red Boy line is the lack of mouth, this is not the case with all Red Boy dogs, but has pretty well been accepted as the truth by most. It really comes down to a list of priorities, gameness versus mouth.

His classic match against Cables Fang exemplifies that:

1st match: - Mr. Bass vs. William Cable - males @ 52 lbs. J. Adams - referee. J.C. Vincent is handling a red-red nosed dog that he been conditioned for this match by Howard T. He's called Red Boy. William Cable conditioned and handled his two-time winner Fang, a red dog black mask. Fang in Red Boy's chest and has a good hold and stays there. Red Boy trying to get him out with ear holds. At 9 minutes a turn is called on Fnag, but he's in hold with Red Boy's leg in his mouth. Handled at 17 minutes Fang scratches good. Red Boy scratches at 21 minutes and comes to the top fighting the head. Fang evens things up fighting the back end at 28 minutes. Red Boy on the nose. 30 minutes Fang scratches. The dogs are handled again at 33 minutes and the referee makes an error and Fang scratches again. Three more scratches by Red Boy and two by Fang and at 1 hour 2 minutes Fang is to scratch. He wanders off to a neutral corner and is counted out. Bass' Tramp Red Boy wins.

The Red Boy dogs gained their fame in the Carolina's, but their main introduction into the fast lane came with the cross of Ch. Jocko. Jocko a Carolina dog himself was a pit intelligent dog with good biting ability, something the Red Boy dogs did not have. Red Boy dogs were extremely game soft mouth dogs, with the exception of Chavis Ch Yellow John. Yellow John was the first of the Red Boy breeding to earn the title of champion. He was a 43lb. buckskin dog that won three in th South in 1980-1981. Yellow John went on to produce some of the most honest bulldogs of modern times Tant's Gr.Ch. Yellow. STP's Ch. John Boy, STP's Ch. Sassy, Super Gnat's' Boots (who holds the record for the longest recorded match in history, going 4:52 for the win) and others.

The Red Boy/Jocko cross continue to live on today and are exceptional fast lane dogs. Some of the most successful crosses with the Red Boy strain have been with: Red Boy/Jocko, Jeep/Red Boy, Jeep/Red Boy/Rascal, and more recently Red Boy/Patrick. These are all proven crosses that have taken the sporting game to a new level in performance. Some additional Red Boy dogs of note are Marlowe's Ch. Britches, Miller's Red Man a great producer in his day and the sire of Hoffman's Booger ROM, Marlowe's Rattler the sire of Ch. Britches, Marlowe's Mr. Bulldog the sire of both Peaches and Tabby Girl and Miret's Bud sire of Ch. Gambler, and O. Stevens' Red Ape, who has produced Ch. Bear, Ch. Irish Rebel and many other winners.


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