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After The Match

    At the hour mark both Grand Champions were still setting a fast pace. Neither STP's Buck or Rebel's Sandman could get much ahead of the other one. It was obvious that this was going to be a long one and I had the I.V. fluids, Azium and other equipment ready to go. At 3:17 Buck made one more running scratch and it was over. Both corners hustled their dogs over to their medical supplies and went to work trying to save these great bulldogs. Sandman died and Buck lived.

    What saved Buck was no magic secret drug or anything of the sort. Buck received intravenous (I.V.) fluids and Azium-the same treatment you can learn to perform on your dog.

    Dogs die from low volume (hypovolemic) shock. Blood has pooled in the dog's tissues and is no longer circulating around the dog's body. This lack of volume can be restored with I.V. fluids.

    I like to run Lactated Ringers solution through the cephalic vein on the dog's front leg. You can also use the Jugular (neck vein) or the vein over the hock in the hind leg. Place a tourniquet above the dog's elbow which will cause the vein to increase in size and thus easier to hit. Using an 18-gauge needle, thrust through the skin and into, but not through the vein. The needle should be seated in the center of the vein. If the vein is punctured, the I.V. fluids will leak out into the surrounding tissues, causing swelling around the injection site.

    The mechanics of correctly seating the needle in the vein are the hardest part of starting an I.V. Practice starting an I.V. on your yard dogs. You will need a friend to restrain the dog while you insert the needle in the vein. Continue to practice until you feel comfortable performing this procedure. You will have a tough time starting an I.V. on a shocky dog if you have not practiced these techniques.

    Once the needle is correctly seated in the vein, secure it in position by taping it to the dog's leg. Attach the I.V. tubing or hook-up to the needle hub after running any air out of the line. You can now inject lOcc of Azium (Dexamethezone) into the injection port on the I.V. line. Try to keep the dog's leg extended because the fluids will stop running if he tucks his leg under his chest.

    After the I.V. is running and you've given lOcc of Azium clean off any wounds with Betadyne and water. Then you pay off or collect any bets, talk dogs and have a brew.

    I like to run two liters in a 40-pound dog in an hour. A larger dog would take more fluids and a smaller dog less fluids. The most common mistake I see is not running enough fluids or running them under the skin. You can be very aggressive in Managing shock. The best time to start an I.V. is right in the pit before the shock sets in and the venous system starts to collapse. Get the I.V. started and then move the dog to a more quiet area.

    Here is a list of equipment of carry to the match:

    Lactated Ringers - three liters (Sterile)
    Azium - 2mg per cc concentration (Sterile)
    I.V. tubing or hook-up (Sterile)
    18 gauge sterile needles
    Coat hanger - to hang I.V. bottle off branch or bar
    Tourniquet - rubber tubing

    These procedures have worked well for me. Only one of the fifty-six dogs I conditioned and handled died, and that death came from heat stroke. In addition, many other match dogs (like Gr. Ch. Buck) survived after having these procedures performed on them.

    Written by the late Ben Calopy "Barney Fife"

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