Then in the mid 1900's up to todays time I Don Mayfield became the Breeder of the purest, most proven family of the DIBO family of the American Gamedogs. In my years of over 40 years breeding and proven the family of DIBO dogs, I matched more dogs then any dogmen of my time, or any of the past. In the 20 or so years I matched my dogs, in the years when it was not against the law to match our dogs, I had 103 matches, dogs that I schooled for the match, condition each dog, and handleg each dog in the match. I won 72 matches and lost 31 matches, My matches in those years was into the number one gamedog men in that time, my matches were always into a winner of one or more matches and known as the top dogs of thir weight class my family of DIBO dogs I bred and matched was proven into the very hardest biters of the outcross bred familys of the breed. The outcross bred family were being bred by such Breeders as MAURICE CARVER, FLOYD BOUDREAUX, BOBBY HALL, and a few others in that time. My matches was like into MAURICE CARVER and his famous two time winner BULLYSON and over my years I tryed to match into the very best dogs in the breed and the number one dogmen in the breed. The game of gamedogs to me was a part of my lifestyle of a Redneck Hick Texan livin in the heart of the blacksoil in Texas. My heritage on both sides of my family was bred in Texas for over 5 generations. The Rednecks of Texas were farming people who farm the blacksoil between the mid 1800's up to the 1950's, these farmers farm thir land with mules and horses and walk behind plowers, thir necks became very red from the long hot Texas Summers, and the Hicks of Texas named my heritage Redneck Hicks. The word hick is a Texas Indian word meaning SLOW LIVEN COUNTRY PEOPLE, it was the Texas Indians who named the American Settlers in Texas, Hicks. Records show in this Redneck Hick area of Sunnyvale Texas, he purest familys of American Gamedogs in the Late 1800's were being bred and matched in pits wher most the people at pitside were people who lived in the Dallas area. Stories are told how Jesse James was breeding and matching some of the purest familys of DIBO dogs in the Sunnyvale area in the late 1800's its said hr matched a number of dogs in the Dallas area. In 1900 FRANK FITZWATER who said he was a Baster Son of his father Jesse James, was breeding and matchen the DIBO family of American Gamedogs throughout the Dallas area. FRANK FITZWATER matched gamedogs over 70 years of his life, in my years FRANK FITZWATER was the oldest dogman in the game up till he died. Frank was matchen dogs before EARL TUDOR was born, when I was a very young boy near the time I lost my front teeth, I remember looken through the picked fence around Franks dogyard, all of Franks dogs were on chains and long cables runs, his dogs were slim full of fire and wild to be set free. Then after a few years past by when I was in my teens I became a Breeder of the DIBO family of American Gamedogs. In the mid 1950's gamedogs were being matched every week or so, it would be anywher from 3 to 4 off chain matches call rolls, wher we schooled our MatchDogs for the pit. Then each Season thir would be shows put together of 6 or more matches. Stories about these SHOWS and of the dogs matched at these shows in Texas, will be the stories I will be writing on this website. Thir will be a CHATROOM on this website, also a list of the people breeding the DIBO family of the American Gamedogs today, also Pedigrees of the purest familys of DIBO dogs today. We will also also have many different famous never before published pictures of the game on this website. We will have a list of VIDEOS, AUDIOS, MAGAZINES and BOOKS to order on this website. This website is a new area for myself, if I am able to make enough money, I will publish new American Gamedog stories that have never before been published. I am asken for yalls backen, order some VIDEOS and AUDIOS and other gamedog stuff I will be marketing, and we will create a website of KNOWAGE, WISDOM, and UNDERSTANDING of the history of the American Gamedogs. This is not a website of the FASTLANE gamedog breeders matchen dogs today. This is a website for all American Gamedog Breeders and owners of todays time, who wants to learn about the history of the American Gamedogs, and learn about the purest familys of DIBO dogs of the breed, and of the DIBO familys today. In the mid 1900's near 5 years ago I wrote in the American Gamedog Magazines published throughout the world, that have pedigrees shown them to be the decendents of the near one thousand American Gamedogs in the late 1970's that was bred in Texas, from the proven DIBO Familys of that time. Todays at the end of the year 2000 thirs over 50 million American Gamedogs throughout the world, the BREED is the number one BREED of VALUE in the DOGWORLD today. At this time 90% of the females are being bred with a deman and value for the pups bred the purest of the DIBO family of American Gamedogs. Today the Value of the purest family of the DIBO American Gamedogs are higher then any breed of dogs bred by man today. The American Gamedogs bred is the number one breed of dogs throughout the world at this time in VALUE , thir is no BREED of dogs bred in the world that has such a number of its breeds. The history and records of the American Gamedogs, show the breed has had records of the dogs pedigree on record longer then any BREED of DOGS bred by man. Not only are the records of the American Gamedogs pedigrees older then any breed of dogs, but also then any breed of dogs, but also older than any BREED of ANIMALS bred by man, older then the records of pedigrees on race hores or any other breed of animals bred by man. The history of the DIBO familys of gamedogs go back in time long before thir pedigrees began to be wrote on records. The history of man breeding game proven fighting dogs, and matchen them in pits to prove the gameness of thir familys, has for thousands of years been bred and proven in the lineage of the people who were known of as Christians, the people who believed in Jesus. The history of the Lineage of the Christian People who were the Breeders of the purest familys of DIBO dogs, show on records as thir game, proven Dibo Dogs were the purest animals bred by man, and they proved thir purest Dibo familys in matches over the history of the breed. Long before the Christians started keeping records of the heritage of thir gamedogs on pedigrees the records and history of thir gamedogs was keap in ARTWORK of the Christian People. This history that show in the stories we will publish on this website of course this history and heritage of the American Gamedogs is about a time long before the dogs became mans best friend, and laws were past into SOCIETY maken it against the law for the breeders to match and prove thir familys of dogs, this website will be about the history and heritage of the breed. Throughout the world today thirs much interest in the understanding of breeding, createn liven things from all areas of life , such as plants, trees, birds, animals and people. We as dog breeders, and we being the breeders of the oldest breed of dogs known to man, are such breeders that make the main subject of our breed, that of pedigrees and the understanding and wisdom of the true heritage of our dogs. The American Gamedog Breed has a history of TRUTH SEEKING, proven such truth in such a level as matchen our dogs in the pit pound for pound, matches our understanding of each subject of the breed, Breeding wich is the main subject. We prove our understanding of Raisen and Schoolers and Training our dogs. Also we have much intrest in the subjects of conditioning and dite, and the Power of the matchdog in the pit. We seek the truth of Gameness to a level of deadgameness. The American Gamedog game is not about maken money for the breeders who have bred the different familys of the bred. The different breeders who have breed and create a family within the breed, are such people who lives such a life of much truth seekin, and the proven of such truth in thir lifestyle, not only with thir dogs, but also in thir day to day life with people and the life they live. The American Gamedog Breed of dogs gives WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING of many areas and subjects of life. The more one learns and proves the truth in the dog game, its gives them more understanding of who they themselfs are in life. Not only does it teach them who they are it also gives them the WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING of who others are. UNDERSTANDING the truth of the purest familys of the DIBO dogs, will teach one the UNDERSTANDING of BREEDING , and how all the many different BREEDS of DOGS in the world are bred. As one learns the of the DIBO bred dogs, it gives them the understanding of all breeds of dogs that man over generations have created by BREEDING in the way of outcrossing different BREEDS, to create a BREED that would be bred to do what the breeders wonted the breed to do for them. This is the history of the dogs of the world that I write, the heritage of all BREEDS thats been bred by the DOGBREEDERS of mankinds heritage. Today society and the laws of society has turn all BREEDS of DOGS into being bred for mans best friend, maken it against the law for dogs to be used for any reason other than best friends for their breeders. The VIDEOS, AUDIOS and the other gamedog stuff I sale on this website is like going to school to learn the knowage and wisdom of the American Gamedogs. In returns it gives one the understanding of who we our are today. This mite be a little deep for some to understand, but as one learns the true understanding of the way all dogs have been bred and created by man, they will be able to understand how all of the Nations of Mankind has been breed and created by GOD. Just as all breeds of dogs have been bred different, so has all nations of people been bred different. All breeds of dogs have been bred from other Nations of People. Learning the truth and the understanding of the breeding of dogs will teach one the truth and understanding of the breeding of how we in all nations are bred. All the subjects within the American Gamedog breed teaches us the understanding of who we as people are today, and the way each of us has been bred in our genes and D.N.A makeup. This is what this website is about, its a website to teach thir is a difference between people and dogs. We here at AMERICAN GAMENESS AND HERITAGE website, are planen to create such a area for people throughout the world to join with us and read books that we will publish on this site. we plan to create different books and stories on this website, it will become such a website wher one can read many different stories, with picture of famous dogs and famous people of the gamedog game along with the stories. We will be publishen a NOVEL of the American Gamedog Breed on this website. We have all of this plus more plan for this website. Today as I write this first story for the website its DEC 14th 2000, and what you see on this website is wher we are today. Again I am asken each one who reads this first story, GIVE ME SOME BACKEN ORDER SOME AUDIOS OR SOME VIDEOS OR SOME OLD MAGAZINES help me to make enough money to create the website we have planned to create for yall. At this time yall must mail your orders to me at my address witch is, 370 EAST TRIPP ROAD, SUNNYVALE, TEXAS U.S.A. 75182. Latter we plan to be set up wher you can order on this website. We are planen to have a number of old book and magazines and picture for one to order. I am now 63 years old over my years I have researched deeper into the American Gamedog Breed then any one I know of. We have trunks and trunks, and many boxes full of all the gamedog research that we gathered over our years. We plan to publish it all here on this website, thousands of stories, thousands of pictures, hundreds of books, hundreds of videos, hundreds of audios, hundreds of magazines. We plan to market copys of ever bit of information we gathered over our years. We also have thousands of pedigrees that show records of pure bred familys throughout the history and heritage of the breed, copys will be published to market on this website. We have the largest picture selection known of in the game, such as EARL TUDORS lifetime picture collection and a number of pictures from the late 1800's of the most famous dogs and dogmen of that time. This is what this website will have to offer as we get it up and runnin. So again we are asken for some orders to get us up and rollen. Order some of what we got ready to market Now, so we can get all the trunks ready to market on this website. As I said I am now 63 years old, I dont have time to write letters or talk on the phone about gamedogs today, what we are doing is putten it all on this website, so all of ya with intrest can reap the harvest of my over 40 years in the game. Most everyone of yall who read this know my name and who I have been the past 40 or so years in the game, I would say most of you have read many of the stories we have published about the gamedogs over the years. Not all of yall know and understand the meaning the meaning of "LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN" here in Sunnyvale, but some of yall do.
By Don Mayfield