It was Back years ago at a time in Texas when the Sport of Matchen gamedogs was at a peak, a time before it became against the law to match a fighting dog. Back then in the 1960's and 1970's when the game was at a peak in the U.S.A, Texas was the state wher the purest familys of DIBO dogs was being bred and matched. Back then then in Texas thir was more gamedog people breeding and matchen dogs then all the other states put together. At that time thir was less then one thousand American Gamedogs throughout the U.S.A, near 700 of them was own by the Texas Dogmen of that time. Back then thir was only a few different familys of American Gamedogs, and thos familys were bred close kin to the other familys. Back then the Purest family of the Breed was the Earl Tudor bred dogs of his DIBO family, and the other proven familys were close kin to Tudors DIBO family, the DIBO family was the most matched and proven family in the breed, and was the purest bred family in the breed. Back then thir was more DIBO bred dogs in Texas then thir was in any area in the U.S.A, these were the dogs of number that was being schooled for the pit, and matched in the MAIN PITS in Texas at that time. EARL TUDOR was still alive at that time, and he had the purest of the DIBO family on his yard in Oklahoma, only a few miles from the Texas broader. Back then just as now thir was only a small number of the purest family of DIBO dogs, most all thos very pure bred ones, Earl tryed to keep controll of the was they would be bred. In the 1960's Earl controlled all of the purest family's of the purest DIBO dogs at that time. In thos years of the 1940's to the 1970's over 90% of the gamedogs matched in the U.S.A were close kin to EARL TUDORS DIBO family he was then the breeder of. Earl first go into the gamedog game when he was born into his family in Kentucky, his daddy bred and rolled gamedogs before Earl was born. When Earl was a young boy his family moved to Oklahoma, it was then when Earl got interested in gamedogs. At that time near 1908 in Horbant Oklahoma , area thir was a number of people breeding and matchen thir dogs for money, these people were breedin the purest familys of American Gamedogs of that time, it was then when Earl became a breeder of the purest family of the DIBO family of American Gamedogs. Back then the different family's were bred very pure of family breeding, the purest familys were then bred by CON FREELEY and BILL SHIPLEY, CON FREELEY was the breeder of the purest family's from CHARLIE LLOYD familys BILL SHIPLEY was the breeder of the purest familys of the then known IRISH bred familys. The other purest proven familys back then were the HENRY bred familys. In thos year when Earl became a breeder of the purest bred familys he got some of the purest bred familys and cross them createn the purest of his DIBO family, over his years of proven his breeding his familys became more pure and more pure of the most proven dogs he bred.